Spaceman "Pin Up" Inks

This is my first real attempt at digitally inking a drawing that I've penciled by hand and I'm really happy with the results. I like this process a lot for several reasons. First and foremost It's definitely much faster and more easily editable. Secondly, drawing first on actual paper allows me to preserve the way I draw so that when I "ink" the final still looks like my work. This is something that I often loose when doing a whole piece digitally from start to finish. Finally, being able to work in layers lets me try techniques and add effects that I would have difficulty with if I were inking traditionally. 

I'll still be experimenting with both traditional and digital inking. But digital inking is definitely giving me results that I've been striving to get for a long time.
Finished Digital "Inks"

Detail Shot of the final inks

Finished red pencils. (Drawn on paper)
